What are the most popular virus disinfectants for dog daycare?

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The recent WHO’s statistical surveillance report revealed that maintaining the most coherent guidelines for infections prevention and control lead to a 30percent healthcare-related infections reduction.

According to the CDC (2020), maintaining hygiene is the best way to keep pests, germs, bacteria, and other pathogens at bay. Anyone running a dog breeding facility must learn and follow the basic rules of hygiene, clean, disinfect, and, most importantly, the best disinfectant suitable for the task at hand. Here is the most appropriate measure that applies to anyone owning or managing pet shops, pet dogs, or veterinary facilities. Read on to keep your dog’s shelter or kennel clean and sanitized.

Difference between cleaning and disinfecting dog kennel or area

Cleaning removes dirt and stains from surfaces using soap or any applicable detergent and water. It is a necessary process but must always be followed by disinfection because cleaning alone does not kill germs. However, it does reduce their numbers significantly. Dogs can do fecal evacuation from their bowel anywhere. Even though it sleeps there, it can vomit, urinate, and shed its hair. That calls for thorough cleaning and sanitization of the place.

Disinfection is the process of eliminating microorganisms that can cause infections. These microorganisms include germs, viruses, bacteria, among others, also referred to as pathogens. As stated by Day (2016), the dog’s natural behaviour can make its kennel a conducive environment for these pathogens to thrive. Without proper cleaning and disinfection, the dog can get infected and even pass the threat of infection to the owner.

Disinfectant products suitable for dog kennel or area

Weese et al.’s (2019) study revealed that you should avoid using products containing ammonia, bleach, or benzalkonium chloride when cleaning a dog’s kennel. As much as they are effective in removing stains and killing germs, they have adverse effects. For example, ammonia can be toxic to dogs. It can cause severe irritation to their skin and eyes. It can cause a burning sensation in their noses if they sniff it and throat and stomach if they lick it.

As an alternative, you can use all-natural cleaning solutions, though they might be a little expensive but extremely safe for your pet. If using the products containing ammonia is the only option you have, keep your dog away until the process is done and the area is completely dry, and be sure to rinse thoroughly before leaving it to dry.

Lane, Weese, and Stull (2017) found that in one viral outbreak from any dog facility 10percent of dogs would be affected. A chemical substance that is recommended for disinfecting a pet’s house is oxine. Oxine is a disinfectant widely used to disinfect commercial animal confinements, and it’s safe for pets and very effective against germs and viruses. It can penetrate organic matter, which makes it very effective against parvovirus, among other pathogens. It can also be used with a fogger or hose-end sprayer. As an alternative, you can use virkon or chlorhexidine solutions.

In summary,  as much as disinfection is necessary, you need to ensure that the chemicals you are using can’t threaten your pet’s life. Of course, the preventive practices’ effectiveness entirely depends on the disinfectants’ strength, composition, and appropriateness of manufacture material. Dogs are actually at a higher risk of getting affected by the adverse effects of disinfectants, and that is because they use their mouths as hands. You can imagine how many things you touch daily, well, that’s how much they pick stuff with their mouths. And they also spend most of their time near ground level, which is where disinfectants are used.




Day, M. J. (2016). Pet-related infections. American family physician, 94(10), 794-802.

Weese, J. S., Anderson, M. E., Berhane, Y., Doyle, K. F., Leutenegger, C., Chan, R., … & Murison, K. (2019). Emergence and containment of canine influenza virus A (H3N2), Ontario, Canada, 2017–2018. Emerging infectious diseases, 25(10), 1810.

CDC. (11 Dec 2020). If You Have Pets. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/pets.html

Lane, H. E., Weese, J. S., & Stull, J. W. (2017). Canine oral papillomavirus outbreak at a dog daycare facility. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 58(7), 747.

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