Tips for Effective cleaning and application of disinfectants

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Disinfection Sanitization Bactakleen

Disinfection in Dubai Bactakleen

Regular cleaning and disinfecting surfaces at home or workplace have played a significant role in keeping bacterial, germs, and viral contaminations at bay. However, most people don’t usually read the instruction manual on the brand label to know exactly how to apply them.

This often leads to a total waste of the cleaning products since it fails to serve its’ intended purpose. Therefore, always read the label before applying disinfectants to be sure that you are doing the cleaning appropriately.

Of course, doing it right is the only way to eliminate the threatening pathogens to your health and your loved ones. You should pay close attention to some hot spots, especially when you are in a public place. Here are some essential steps to an effective cleaning and disinfection process.


The initial and important step to clean surfaces properly before disinfecting entails cleaning. Of course, this helps in minimizing the time spent in the next part. This decontamination process eliminates most of the organic materials on surfaces. Keep in mind that cleaning alone cannot kill all viruses and germs. If done using the appropriate detergents and water, it reduces the numbers significantly. That means minimized risks of infections, especially considering that you should not apply disinfectants on dusty surfaces.


Well, cleaning reduces the number of bacteria and germs on surfaces and an environment. But then disinfectants play an integral role in killing the pathogens if used in the right way. This process entails paying much attention to the products’ dwell time to reduce the threats. From there, it can be wiped off to dry the area. This step will not be time-consuming when done appropriately.

Know target Hot spots

Another significant part of the cleaning process entails knowing your target microorganisms. Indeed, different disinfectant classes are likely operational against specific pathogens. Such characteristics and qualities are related to the products’ properties that may work best on the surfaces to be decontaminated. It would be best if frequent consideration is put on place used by many people.

Pay special attention to specific rooms when cleaning. And then ensure you use the right disinfection products that are proven to kill germs. This exercise’s effectiveness will be evident if the cleaners wear the recommended gears, especially during this COVID-19 season.

Because bacteria can double its numbers below thirty minutes under the right conditions, so, you can imagine how fast they spread, and infection rates can occur from one person to the next by touching things.

Know the right products to use

The purpose of all cleaning and disinfecting processes is not for complete sterilization of the environment. However, the objective is to reduce the pathogen and germ load considerably to prevent infections. All the applied steps need science, and each depends on the completion of another successfully.

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