Coronavirus / COVID-19-How it is impacting our lives?

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COVID-19 is a pandemic which has immobilized life, healthcare systems, economies and has been in focus since December 2019 where it first emerged in Wuhan, China at a seafood & live animal market. The origins of this disease suggest animal to human transfer and ultimately human to human transfer of the virus. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , the SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has its origin in bats just like the SARS CoV and MERS CoV 1 . As of April 2nd, COVID-19 cases have surpassed 1 million with 50,000 deaths globally. Currently, the epicenter of the infection is the United States of America with 300,000+ cases and more than 9000 deaths, specifically New York although Italy has had more than 15,000 deaths and 100,000+ cases hence deeming it as having the highest case fatality ratio (CFR), followed by Spain with 12,000+ deaths 2. Backtakleen can offer you eco-friendly products that are designed to offer you maximum protection against an invisible enemy.

The CDC states that COVID-19 is mainly spread through person to person contact and also via contact with contaminated surfaces and objects. If a person is within 6 feet of an infected person, and they sneeze, cough or talk, respiratory droplets are produced which can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Moreover, recent studies suggest that asymptomatic people or people not displaying symptoms can also spread the infection. Additionally, it is possible to contract the disease if a person touches a surface or object which has the virus on it and then touch their mouth, nose or eyes 3. There are studies that suggest that coronaviruses may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days and this can vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment) 4. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study from the National Institutes of Health, CDC, UCLA and Princeton University recently where scientists discovered that SARS-CoV-2 (virus causing COVID-19) was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. Thus public health entities have set practices such as social distancing, personal hygiene (washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, using 60 % alcohol based sanitizer), cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces (Tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc.) and avoiding touching one’s mouth, nose or eyes.

This rapidly spreading infection is a major cause for concern since it has been rampantly taking lives of many, especially those who suffer from underlying conditions or are over the age of 65 years. However, recent deaths depict that infants, teens and patients without any underlying conditions are also falling victim to COVID-19. Once a person comes in contact with an infected person or touches something that an infected person recently touched, the virus enters the host cells, replicates and eventually kills the host cells. Mild versions of symptoms are noticed when the virus is in the upper respiratory tract but once the virus travels to the lower respiratory tract and attacks the lungs is when severe symptoms show. Hence, if most of the lung is damaged and not enough oxygen is supplied to the rest of the body, respiratory failure could lead to organ failure and death 5 . To date, there are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to treat COVID – 19 although possible vaccines as well as some antiviral drugs are undergoing clinical trials. Consequently, preventative and mitigation efforts such as those provided by Bactakleen assist in slowing down or eliminating the spread of germs.

Bactakleen offers the world’s first 2-in-1 eco-friendly, anti-bacterial treatment system that effectively kills 99.9 % of the germs inside your vehicle, home, office and other living spaces through fumigation and spray-on anti-bacterial coating for contact services 6. The ultra fine mist when sprayed in a space deeply penetrates the most intricate parts of your home such as bedding and cushions, ventilation system and vehicle’s interior including the carpeting, headliner and foam backing of seats, killing germs while leaving a ZnTiO2 (Zinc Titanium Dioxide) coating. ZnTiO2 , a photocatalyst, which creates powerful oxidizing molecules which are non-toxic, making it safe for humans and pets as it does not penetrate the skin barrier but instead kills viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces by deactivation. Additionally, the spray on anti-bacterial coating protects the contact surfaces from bacterial growth, providing long term protection. The Bactakleen fumigation technology is 1/50th the size of an aerosol droplet and remains airborne for longer, hence improving air quality while reducing unpleasant odours by continually decomposing the substances which create the odour and removing VOCs. Application also protects against allergy and asthma triggering contaminants and respiratory issues which may lead to health problems.

Bactakleen treatments have been proven to kill common bacteria and viruses such as E.coli, Staph, Candida albicans (Yeast),  Aspergillus niger (Mould), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. epidermidis, Bacillus, Salmonella, M2 (influenza A virus protein). Importantly, the photo-reduction of the ZnTiO2 is an effective spore killer and inactivates the lethal toxins from the spores (such as B. anthrax and C. difficile). Tests have shown additional suppression of the spores ability to survive during phagocytosis. Even deadly prions, which cause “Mad cow” disease, have been shown to be deactivated by photocatalysis. Additionally, Bactakleen ZnTiO2 breaks down the cell byproducts, lipids and endotoxins after bacteria, virus and spore death. All of the above have been laboratory tested by independent international standard laboratories such as CHEMLAB, SIRIM, TUV, SGS and approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) 6 .

It is important to remember that along with personal hygiene practices, we need to keep our surroundings clean which includes public and personal spaces which play a vital role in halting the spread of disease such as the COVID-19.

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