Our Blog

April 15, 2020

Coronavirus / COVID-19-How it is impacting our lives?

COVID-19 is a pandemic which has immobilized life, healthcare systems, economies and has been in focus since December 2019 where it first emerged in Wuhan, China […]
June 20, 2017

Is you car a toxic trap

Studies show that dirty car interiors are breeding cause of hostile bacteria. Many people treat our cars like second homes, but with one major difference we […]
June 16, 2017

There are germ hiding in unreachable spot of your car

There are germ hiding in unreachable spot of your car
June 14, 2017

Is your car making you sick try bactakleen

In a recent study conducted by GAP Enviromicrobial Services, the homes and vehicles of 51 participants were tested and it was discovered that vehicles are as […]