Our Blog

November 16, 2016

Why to use Bactakleen products in car cleanliness

Buying a car is much more than just the fancy showcase aspect. When you buy a car it becomes your responsibility to make sure that it […]
November 7, 2016

Hygiene blunders turn out to be deadly at UAE hospitals

Hospitals are looked up to as places where people see themselves getting healthy from any big or small disease. People put a lot of their trust […]
October 12, 2016

How to prevent Sick Building Syndrome

The health of employees is very crucial for the firm as it reduces absenteeism and the cost of health care.  In many countries, facilities like social […]
September 14, 2016
unhealthy work conditions uae

UAE Doctors say unhealthy work conditions are making workers sick

Working in unhealthy enviornments can lead workers to illnesses and injuries in sever conditions and can be costly for everyone. Therefore it is very necessary to […]